About CCP
Our history, team, and how we are funded.
History of CCP
Starting out
CCP has been active since 1993 and initiated many projects at that time to enhance the town and ensure its vibrancy and appeal to the local community, in the face of the rapid development of out of town shopping centres.
Town centre high streets were declining and the cohesion of local communities was threatened. How did we put the life back into the High Street?
By talking about it…
…with the Chamber of Trade, local retailers, businesses, voluntary groups and organisations. We worked together to develop ideas and fundraising plans to pay for CCP to succeed.
By acting on it
- We filled the town centre with flowers – hanging baskets on all shops and Mountbatten Way
- We brought street performance, events and activities into the town centre on Saturdays
- We put up Christmas lights, and adorned the shop-fronts with Christmas trees
We then went BIG!
CCP achieved a single regeneration grant of £250,000, which led to the development of Congleton Business Park, landscaping of Beresford’s Industrial Park, NVQ training schemes, development of Meadow Mill, the Creation of the Youth Info Shop, and the flagship project – the renovation of the Town Hall
Meet the Team
Congleton Community Projects is led by a team of volunteers who plan and run annual events, co-ordinate local group details, fundraise, and provide volunteering opportunities.
Jo Money
David Gorton
Chair and Director
John Davies
Financial Advisor
Douglas Parker
Dennis Murphy
Bob Grayson
Annette Kanauros
Petra Lea
Creative Consultant
Sarah Faulkner
Support CCP
CCP is a Company limited by Guarantee with 8 directors.
It is a voluntary organization with one paid Manager. Our biggest funder is Congleton Town Council with a grant of £16,000 which covers most of our revenue (day to day funding) and admin costs.
We have to fund raise for all our projects. We have received grants from local funders:
- Congleton Partnership
- Congleton Inclosure Trust
- Young People’s Trust
- Congleton Town Trust
- William Dean Trust
For large scale events, such as the Heritage Flag Project and Arts festival, we have applied for Lottery funding, to the Arts Council and the Heritage Lottery.
Who do CCP work with?
- Congleton Town Council
- Congleton Town Partnership
- CVS – Supporting Voluntary, Community and Faith Organisations across Cheshire
- CRTA – Cheshire Rural Touring Arts
- Cheshire East Borough Council
- Rotary Club of Congleton
- Friends of the Park
- Congleton Museum
- Local groups and organisations
- Local primary schools
If you’d like to know how to help or more about how donations are used, please use the website contact form.
Where is CCP based?
Electric Picture House,
1st Floor, Spindle Mill,
Spindle Street,
CW12 1QN
Tel: 01260 270908

Find out more
To hear more about how Congleton Community Projects uses funding and donations, contact us