Explore Congleton’s community initiatives and local community venues, and find out how you can get involved.
Beartown Rickshaw
Beartown Rickshaw offers free rickshaw rides to local beauty spots (Congleton park, Astbury Mere, Biddulph Valley Way) for those of any age who are unable to get out much for whatever reason. Or leave a message on 07927 969196. Volunteers (18+) always needed for pedalling the rickshaw, outriding (with your own cycle) and admin. The riding volunteers need to be used to cycling safely in traffic. Training on handling the rickshaw (an e-trike) is given. DBS checks essential – we organise and pay for these.
Bromley Farm Bingo Group
Traditional weekly bingo session plus other games, raffles, tombola. Refreshments available including tea, coffee and cakes. Savings club run by Congleton Community Credit Union 7pm – 8pm.
Meet every Tuesday evening with eyes down from 8.00pm until 9.30pm at Bromley Farm Community Centre.
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Bromley Farm Community Development Trust
A resident led group which works in partnership with other organisations to provide events, activities and make environmental improvements for the residents of Bromley Farm based at Bromley Farm Community Centre where we offer lots of different activities and projects with a wealth of volunteering opportunities.
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Bromley Farm Hub
Activities at the Wellbeing Hub at Parnell Square in Bromley Farm, Congleton. Stay & Play, Residents’ Forum, Adult Peer Support and Friends Group as well as Bromley Bloomers Gardening Group.
Bromley Farm Residents’ Forum
Group that works with Plus Dane and other housing providers to improve housing and the outdoor environment at Bromley Farm, Congleton. Meets bi-monthly at the Wellbeing Hub on Parnell Square.
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Bromley Farm Time Out Group
Provides a stimulating environment for those with early stage dementia, and a break for their carers and families. The group offers up to 8 members the opportunity to take part in a range of activities, including dominoes, memory games, gentle exercise, singing, quizzes and film shows. Lunch is provided. Meet on Thursdays: 10.00am – 3.00pm. Booking essential.
Buglawton In Bloom
Buglawton In Bloom are a group of volunteers who love gardening and making Buglawton a “Blooming marvellous” place. As part of “Congleton in Bloom”, we garden on the green in front of the Church House Pub and other areas in Buglawton, with the local Cubs, Scouts & School children and do regular litter picks. Volunteers always needed, if you would like to get involved, please contact us.
Cheshire East Support Services
Visit our website and find over 3,000 health, well-being and support services in Cheshire East. Just search for Congleton
Cheshire Fire and Rescue Services
We have a proactive approach to volunteering. Our volunteers make a difference to their community through informative, educational and practical help. CFRS is committed to keeping vulnerable adults, children and young people safe from harm in all the work it undertakes. By volunteering, you help local communities, improve your CV, meet like-minded people, boost your confidence and improve your communication skills.
Congleton and Macclesfield Advanced Drivers and Riders
Congleton and Macclesfield Advanced Drivers and Riders are a local group of volunteers working to make roads safer by raising the standard of driving and riding. We help prepare drivers and motorcyclists for the advanced test. We are affiliated with IAM/RoadSmart; the UK’s largest road safety charity. We offer free ‘taster’ sessions and discounts for young drivers and motorcyclists.
Congleton Bath House and Physic Garden
Congleton Bath House and Physic Garden is managed by a charitable Trust. The Bath House was built around 1800 and has now been rescued and restored. A Physic Garden with a wide range of medicinal plants has been created and work continues to develop the site for community/ educational use. Volunteers can join us on Mondays 10am-1pm.
Congleton Branch Royal British Legion
Congleton Branch Royal British Legion, is the UK’s leading Armed Forces charity. Members attend branches and clubs all over the country for social, fundraising and welfare activities. We welcome men and women of all ages, having served in the Armed Forces or not. Congleton Branch meet at the All Ranks Mess & Community café next to Morrisons. 7pm for 7.30pm start, 2nd Friday of each month.
Congleton Community Projects
CCP works with volunteers to deliver innovative and exciting events in Congleton, to help create a sense of involvement in the community. Events include Christmas Lights Switch-on, Food and Drink Festival, supporting Jazz & Blues Festival and creative arts activities & opportunities for families. Interested?
Congleton Dane Probus Club
Congleton Dane Probus Club is an organisation for retired professional ladies or gentlemen who wish to maintain social contact with others who have similar interests. Our regular meetings with guest speakers are held at Congleton Golf Club monthly every 2nd Monday. We organise trips and other activities, snooker and lunches.
Congleton Ex Service Association
Congleton Ex Service Association is open to all who have served, including family members of those that have served or are serving. The main aim is comradeship and monthly social activities. They also support the Congleton branch of the Royal British Legion. They meet at the All Ranks Mess & Community café next to Morrisons, 7pm for 7.30pm start, 2nd Friday of each month
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Congleton Food4Free
We share ideas/info to encourage/inspire you to grow your own by growing edibles and/or perennial plants for pollinators in public spaces. Please join in- volunteers welcome.
Congleton in Bloom
Congleton in Bloom started in 1998 to make Congleton a cleaner, greener place. Congleton in Bloom has won gold status for the town, nationally and regionally but is reliant on volunteers to continue its success. If you enjoy planting, weeding or are keen to improve a green area in Congleton please get involved.
Congleton Lions Club
Congleton Lions Club – members enjoy helping and supporting our local community. We meet regularly and enjoy social activities. Membership is open to anyone whatever their abilities. Lions Serve, it’s that simple, and has been since we first began.
Lions Club International is the world’s largest service club organisation – 1.4 million+ members in approximately 46,000 clubs in 200+ countries around the world.
Congleton Mini Bus Scheme
Congleton Mini Bus Scheme has two mini buses (8 & 15 seater with wheelchair access) available to hire by local voluntary & Charity organisations. We need a pool of volunteer drivers to support organisations. For info on rates, eligibility to hire, or if you would like to help and have a current driving licence, please get in touch
CVS (Community and Voluntary Services Cheshire East)
CVS Cheshire East provides expert one to one sector support, guidance and delivers training to charities, community groups and faith organisations. CVS also hosts a volunteering hub which is a free online volunteer recruitment service for organisations and individuals. Start your volunteering journey through CVS.
Elizabeth’s Group
Elizabeth’s Group was formed to raise awareness of local suffragist Elizabeth Wolstenholme Elmy and commissioned and funded the statue “Our Elizabeth” which now stands in Bridge Street. The group continues to raise awareness and research into her life and work. We offer presentations to schools and groups. We are always looking for volunteers to enable further work with women and girls in Elizabeth’s name and we are planning a mentoring project for young women and girls and a book and writing group.
Friends of Congleton Park
A voluntary community group working with Cheshire East and Congleton Town Councils to develop, look after and promote the park for public enjoyment. We consult on park developments, fundraise, organise & support events. The Friends have a range of volunteering opportunities and welcome new ideas.
League of Friends, Macclesfield & Congleton Hospitals
The League of Friends organise fund raising events in order to provide support for patients and staff of Macclesfield Hospitals and Congleton War Memorial by providing equipment for wards and departments. Volunteers always welcome.
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Mossley Old School Community Centre
Mossley Old School Is a community centre that comprises two large halls & a meeting room all available for hire for classes, training sessions and parties for the community. Facilities include a kitchen, toilets, WiFi, Hearing Loop and is wheelchair friendly.
Mossley Village Hall
Mossley Village Hall Is a large hall and kitchen facility with flexible provision for up to 100 people. The hall is used by a variety of community groups and available for hire
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National Women’s Register Congleton
National Women’s Register is for the lively minded woman. Group members organise their own programmes to explore a wide variety of stimulating topics. Meetings are informal and take place in members’ homes twice monthly on alternating Tuesdays & Wednesdays. You’ll find a warm welcome whatever your age or personal circumstances.
Never Too Old To Have Fun
Fun, laughter and friendship at this youth club for seniors. Activities include darts, table tennis, boules, arts and crafts, advice, quizzes, gardening, trips and information. Meet new friends and have a chat. Plus free lunch. Meet on Mondays: 12.00pm – 2.00pm at Bromley Farm Community Centre.
Rotary Club of Congleton
We are a very friendly club, who meet weekly to enjoy the company of great friends and good food, to discuss local issues and ways of making our community and the World, a better place to live. Rotarians are fun, friendly and organise great events to raise money for worthy causes.
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
The Poppy Appeal raises funds for the Royal British Legion who provide care and support to members of the Armed Forces. Demand for our support continues as Service men and women call on us for emotional, financial and practical help. Contact us re information on the poppy appeal or supply of poppy wreaths at any time of the year.
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Springboard supports adults aged 19+. The Work Hub is open every Thursday for work-related advice and support, help with CVs and job applications. Springboard runs fully funded courses to support work and employment.
The Old Saw Mill
The Old Saw Mill is a community of people and a place formed to challenge social isolation in all its forms. It has sustainability and respect for the environment at its heart
Trefoil Guild
The Guild is part of Girlguiding UK and anyone over 18 years can join. We meet monthly on a Tuesday for fun and friendship. We also support local guiding. We meet monthly in an informal, friendly atmosphere for activities, talks and outings. The Guild can provide support to local leaders of Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.
University of the Third Age (U3A)
Congleton U3A is a self-help, educational, sporting and social organisation with over 1,300 semi-retired and retired members. It has over 100 groups, from Astronomy to Wine Appreciation: Bridge to Microsoft Applications; Art to Languages; Golf Coaching to Walking
A manned Information Desk will also be available monthly for all Members and prospective members in the Bramley Room, The Old Saw Mill, Back River Street (off Antrobus Street) generally on the first Monday of the month during term time between 10.30 and 11.30. Planned dates for the current session can be found on the website
Women’s Institute Congleton, The Cloud Group
With the federation of Women’s Institutes you will benefit from having your voice heard and making an impact on local and national issues. We offer the opportunity to learn, develop and pass on new skills, make friends, work as a team and have fun with events. The WI offers all kinds of opportunities to all kinds of women.
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